Automatic Acknowledgement Generating System (AAGS)

This is an Automatic Acknowledgement Generating System based on phrases and sentences listed HERE.

Please be advised that the acknowledgement is automatically generated and needs to be checked carefully before use.

If you notice any mistakes or bugs, contact me at: info[at mark]


My heartfelt appreciation goes to Prof. Johnson whose comments and suggestions were of inestimable value for my study. I am also indebt to Prof. Chomsky and Prof. Wilson whose comments made enormous contribution to my work. I would also like to express my gratitude to my family for their moral support and warm encouragement. Finally, I would like to thank JSPS for a grant that made it possible to complete this study.

Please fill in the blanks below.

1. Enter the name of person who you wish to list first (who you wish to express the greatest gratitude).
(e.g. Prof. Johnson)

2. Enter the name(s) of other person who you wish to thank in your acknowledgement (you can leave this section blank).
(e.g. Prof. Chomsky and Prof. Wilson)

3. Would you like to add acknowledgement for your family?

4. Would you like to add acknowledgement for the financial support? If yes, enter the name of it.
(e.g. UT Fellowship)


2008.2.25 ver1.0
2009.12.24 ver1.1
2012.3.26 ver1.2 (PHP ver.)
2013.4.22 ver1.3

Related pages

Expressions for acknowledgement
Japanese version

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